Our X’mas voucher promo is back!
Receive x6 1 hour vouchers for just $80.00 each (or $75.00 each if paying by cash). Vouchers last 1 year, so stock up for either yourself, or as the perfect gift!
On sale in store, but only until December 25th.
Total cost is either $480.00 + surcharge (card) or $450 cash. *
30 minute massage for just $40 (9am – 12Pm).
Perfect on a MORNING START – have either a 30 minute foot and leg massage or a back and neck massage for just $40. Book online ONLY.
Our saver packs are a great way to save money – perfect for gifts or use them yourself!
For example, buy 10 one hour vouchers and save $140 when you pay by cash. Wow! See all the savings available on our Voucher page or click the link below.